Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Mish-Mash (Huge Long Post)!

I totally slacked off posting during the holidays, so now you have to endure one big - long post. Oh well. Our holiday's started off with Annie's pre-school performance (her video is at the very end of this super long post, but it's pretty darn cute if I say so myself) which she did a great job singing and doing all the actions -
Cate enjoying the program -
Cate NOT enjoying the program -
Next, on to Berlynn's gymnastic program. I really think she's going to be a professional - she definately is OUR winner - way to go Berlynn, we are proud of you!
This is what Ez loved most of all at Berlynn's performance!
Next - a night at the Zoo to see the lights, it's really pretty good - it's just SO COLD! We had a good time anyway, and ended up at the PIE!!!! YUMMY -

WHAT is this doing here - I suppose you're wondering. Well, amid all of the Christmas hustle and bustle I had to study for, and take my Notary test. Very stressful - however, I passed, so I can continue to perform my Notary services for the next 4 years, if you need it -

Next, we had our own little Family Christmas party where Curt cooked us a delicious Prime Rib Roast, and we played "Tommy Wright" - well sort of!

Oh the excitement and anticipation of the Moosman Family Christmas Eve Party! Lots of family, food, JINGO and LOVE! Thank's Dad & Mom, it's always the best - (Karen, I think Peter should have been to your "ugly sweather" party)

Christmas Day brought another day of food, gifts, fun and being together, just what the holiday's are for -

To finish up - yet another holiday get-together, this time to wish our New Year's Birthday Boy another HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We love you Curt! And the best gift he got for his birthday was the news that we will be adding one more to our family this year - CONGRATULATIONS Brandon and Jamie - we can't wait!

Here's Annie -


Karen said...

WOW! I enjoyed every bit of it!

Mom Moose said...

What an awesome holiday!! Glad it was so great! Thanks for sharing!

Rudd Senior's said...

HOW FUN WAS THIS POST!!!! Way to go on yhour test!!!!! What a tough month to have it come due! What fun ties for the Bohn's. You are the Best grandma!!!! And a wonderful mother. Lots of work, time and money......but it looks as if it all was worth it!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!