Sunday, January 23, 2011

Three Generations -

I bought myself a "3 Generation Charm" necklace during the holiday's and I must admit I love it! I guess I don't really love "it" as much as I love "who" it represents. There are lots and lots of people who are special in our lives, but hopefully, family will always be the most important. Since I have been wearing my charm necklace, I have thought about these women more than I probably have in a while. I think of them when I put it on, when I hear it jingle throughout the day, when people ask what it represents and when I take it off at night. I remember different times spent with each of them, special memories shared, tears, laughter, council and guidance even scoldings! All of them precious, almost sacred to me now - stored away in my heart. It has been a wonderful experience so far.The "H" is for my maternal grandmother, Harriet Rosetta Smith Fairbourn, affectionately referred to as "Rose" throughout her life. A tiny woman who bore 9 children, the faithful wife and partner of a hard working farmer who received much joy from her very large family. So many memories I have of my Fairbourn family and cousins.
The "V" is of course for my mother, Vauna. Words just can't express the influence for good she has had on my life, each and every day. I don't even know where to begin to express my love and tender feelings for her. All I can say is - I love you Mom. You mean so much to me and I am greatful, every day, for you in my life. THANK YOU simply isn't enough.
The "M" is of course for me. My role in this generation chain is to hopefully not mess it up!

There is another woman whose "initial" charm is missing right now, but will not be for long - because each day when I think of these special women, she also is there in my thoughts and memories as well. It will be a "G" for Grace Elnora Lancaster Moosman, my paternal grandmother -
My grandmother with the "red" hair (I know it isn't red here, but it was for 90+ years and forever will be in my memories). She was a large woman who bore 2 children, the faithful and supportive wife to a hard working "roofer" husband. A fun, vivacious woman with a captivating laugh. Two of my grand daughters were given her name (their middle names).

I was not expecting to have these experiences when I purchased this charm - I just thought it would be a nice thing to have. I have an awesome opportunity ahead of me, to try and pattern my life after these wonderful women and be an influence for good in the lives of my family too.

Mirror mirror on the wall.....

We met at my parents home to celebrate this wonderful woman's 80th birthday. Maybe a woman is never supposed to tell her age, but I'm very proud of both of my parents and they have both celebrated milestone years this year (well, Dad's birthday was last November). Happy Birthday (late) Mom -

While there, my parents have this particular mirror in their home, a special mirror that transforms normal people (mostly little ones) into the most interesting of characters. Whenever we get together, we always have to try our hand at witnessing this transformation. We laugh and laugh - our children all did it, and now their chidren are doing it. They'll get better and better as they get older, but here are a few pictures of the latest -- You can't tell, but Connor man is laughing so hard it's hard to get him to stand still! Easton has a great one (with Connor man still laughing hard in the background) Sydney is getting into it - Sadie's got a good one too - Now it's Jakes turn -Well, this is one mirror on the wall we LOVE!

Hey Marisa - I found this picture on my camera (I didn't take it), and just want to say -- "Good Luck!" Cate's stickers say "I (heart) my attitude problem" and "I (heart) boys!" (seriously, click on this photo to enlarge it). Oh yes, I believe we've got our hands full with this little one! Love my Cate!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes

How about another recipe! I made these sweet little gems a bit ago and even I'll be the first to admit maybe they're not too much to look at - but they were sure good. I think to start off, I would use different sweet potatoes, maybe ones that more resembled regular potatoes, but since I made this "on the fly" - I used what I had, so if presentation is really, really important to you, use different potatoes. Heat oven to 375, cut the top part of washed (scrubbed) potatoes -
Place, cut side down on greased foil placed on a baking sheet -
Bake until potatoes are tender (1 hour). Remove and let cool for 10 minutes. Scoop out inside of potatoes and place in a bowl
See what I mean about presentation????? I had a near disaster on my hands but did manage to save enough of the skins to have something left to "stuff" - anyway, this picture should make you feel a bit better when you make yours!
Now, on to the filling - mix 3 tablespoons brown sugar, 3 tablespoons finely chopped pecans, 3 tablespoons of unsalted butter and 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon. Mix it all up - until it's really mixed up, then mix a little more.
Gently refill the skins and place on baking sheet. Sprinkle with 1/4 cup finely chopped pecans and bake @ 350 for 20 - 25 minutes or until heated through (I could only salvage 3 skins, but saved the rest of the filling to eat later!) -