Sunday, November 28, 2010

A GRAND Thanksgiving

Our Thanksgiving this year was a return to "The Grand" with the whole family for their yummy buffet. The kids especially, LOVED their own buffet table - here are just a few pictures Jamie and Nixon (his 1st Thanksgiving)
Grandpa & Grandma with our little guy -
Guess who LOVED the Chocolate Fountain?????
Even Cate - here she is enjoying a big chocolate covered strawberry
Ah, yes, there were chocolate smiles everywhere!
The Bohn Family
The Olson Family -
Cousin's who LOVE each other
Another nice thing about the Grand is their free family pictures. We ventured over to get one, and here we are, the whole family. Please notice our little Cate, you probably had to be there to really appreciate the whole thing but let's just say we were really lucky to get a picture of her peaking her head out from behind the cushions she stowed away in.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Ours was "GRAND" and we hope yours was too!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Tear in my eye proud -

So, remember a few posts back about my "attempts" at growing cauliflower this summer and how disappointed I was over my lack of gardening skills? Remember? Here's a picture of my gigantic plants -
Well, when I went to pull up my garden to prepare for winter, low and behold, nestled and well hidden, guess what I found
Yes, CAULIFLOWER! Three of them to be exact -
There they were! I was so excited I'll bet the whole neighborhood could hear my shouts of joy! Yes, they were small (one was very, very small), but none the less - SUCCESS!
Oh, just LOOK at them! I'm still amazed!
It's like they just popped up overnight! Anyway, I was very thrilled - they tasted SO good.
While glancing over my pictures, I also found these pictures I had taken this summer of my brothers garden. I think he has a "garden whisperer"
Don't you agree?
Maybe if I "talked" to my garden in the same manner, it would be more productive, like his -
Maybe I'll try a "garden whisperer" next year to see how much more productive my garden can be (how about it Michelle?)