Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Seen around my house...

I made these yummy...loaded...can only really eat one - cookie dough topped brownies the other day. Who hasn't snuck a bit of cookie dough (except maybe my mom and Curt) while making cookies - and what could be better than warm brownies topped with cookie dough? No eggs in this dough, absoultely 100% safe to eat! I didn't say 100% good for you to eat, I just said it's safe to eat - as long as you enroll in one of Jamie's aerobic classes afterwards!


Anonymous said...

Those were very tasty. I had to work out twice on Monday to make up for it. Thanks for plugging my class.

Karen said...

YUMMY!!!! I may need the recipe!

Moosman Fam said...

You can't post a delicious treat like that and not give us the recipe... fess up!

Ambler Fam said...

K where is the recipe ha ha! I wish I could take one of your classes Jamie that would be awesome.. I'd take all of them!

Rudd Senior's said...

Marcia: Please make them for me!!!! YUMMY!!!!!