Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday Night Live

The youth in our ward had a fund raiser to raise money for trek next year, they put on an auction where people donated goods and services and ward members bid on the items they wanted. Steven, Wendy, Curt and I decided to put on a dinner and evening full of fun at the cabin. Four couples wanted to participate and each donated hard earned money to be part of our dinner and Saturday night was the night we fulfilled our obligation. Here is Wendy putting together her famous "cabin cobbler" -
Here we are enjoying pulled pork, baked beans, apple slaw, potato salad, frog eye salad and corn on the cob. Looks like everyone is enjoying themselves - first indication of fun!
A group portrait on the big rock - who HASN'T had a fun picture taken here? From left to right, here are our friends the Gurr's, Pay's, Loveridges and Cox's. Still having the smiles -
We played the game "Things" around the fire pit and it really helped us to get to know "things" about each other (notice even more smiles) -
Ok, so it doesn't look like this side of the group is having as much fun as the other side, but we were. It was 10:00 - or so - before we packed up and headed for home. A grand night full of good food and fun - and we hope our friend's feel they got their money's worth - we sure did!
Thank's for the use of the cabin (again) Dad & Mom, it is such a great place to be together!


Mom Moose said...

It was such a great time! We need to do it more often! The food was so good, too - Way to go Marcia and Curt!!!

Karen said...

Good food,+ good friends,= good times.That was a really fun nice thing to do. I see you found the game! It will be a fun one for a long time.