Sunday, August 5, 2012

Here we go!

If you know us, you know how long we have been planning, saving and waiting to move our garage down to street level and add a family room where the existing garage is now.'s finally time.  We have been working in earnest since March of this year with an architect, engineer and securing a builder to help complete our dream.

Finally, all the t's have been crossed and the i's dotted (we hope), less than 24 hours after "finally" getting our building permit, we're ready to start - here we go!
If you're wondering what we're after - here is our architect's concept drawing. 
Day 1 (August 1st) all of the shrubs and landscaping - gone.  Year's of planting, watering and weeding --- gone in 1 day.
Day 2 - Garage is gone, all but the cement floor, didn't get a picture of it.  The railroad ties are out too (all but the uprights)
Day 3 - every single bit of our garage is gone.  No evidence that it even existed at all and 3/4's of the driveway.  Gone!
The first step out of the kitchen is now "one big step for mankind".  We locked the door, in case we forgot!
Looking from the back of the yard to the front, one big dirt pile now.  It will be all gone on Monday too!
 What is left of our front yard -
Wednesday morning view looking down the driveway
Same view Friday evening looking down the driveway
Great job for 3 days of work, don't you think?  Stay tuned to see the progresss, we're so excited!


Marrelli's said...

We drove by yesterday and it is a little shocking to see!! Can't wait to see the finished project!! Way to go :)

Mom Moose said...

SO exciting!! It's going to be awesome!