Monday, December 12, 2011

A few Holiday treasures -

The Holiday's are well underway and I am super busy with them, like you! Here are a couple of activities we've had so far. I joined these proud parents to watch Annie perform in her school program - She sang her little heart out!
Despite repeated efforts, it has been very difficult to coax any Christmas suggestions from Annie, and Santa, quite frankly, is getting a little worried. That is, until we were leaving the school and we spotted her "Christmas Wish List" hanging on the wall outside her door

Wow! A mighty list for a 6 year old. Maybe Santa wishes he didn't know what she wanted for Christmas after all!

My Dad, Curt & I attended a memorial service at the Mortuary who handled my Mother's preparations. They had the Jordan HS Bell Ringers perform, and Curt was chosen to come up and participate - and did he ring the bells!

and we lit a candle in memory of my sweet mother
We've also managed to watch these little ones once or twice, and we love to play games

Now, on with more holiday ---

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