After my mother's funeral, the final event was gathering at her gravesite for a final good-bye. We followed our mother's wishes as she had outlined her own funeral services and wished for each of her 5 grandson's to speak. I understand the wisdom behind that, as I was so pleased and proud of each one of them and am certain she was too. Here are just a few pictures -

My mother's only living sister, Ila (just older than my mother), was able to attend the gravesite (she's on the end) and we were thrilled to see her again. My Aunt Fern (my mother's oldest brother's wife) is next to her - what memories I have of Aunt Fern and her fun, fun personality. Only Ila and Jerry (my mother's brother just younger than her) are now left from my mother's large family of 9 children, but nearly all their spouses are living.

Matt lead us in a final song of "Till We Meet Again" -

My siblings/spouses and my dad -

The hansome grandsons -

and the beautiful grand daughters -

Mom was so proud of her family - and so am I!
Here's my cuties (minus one)

Till we meet again mom!
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