Wednesday, February 23, 2011

30+ Years of Service

This year marks 30 years (actually 31) that Curt has been working for Varian. Hired just after Brandon was born it was his first "real" job (after leaving the military). Little did we know that employment in the "Chem Department" so many years ago would lead to 30+ years of working for Varian. Of course, back then it was Eimac, a division of Varian Associates. Through the years as he aquired his education he worked up and up through the company holding various management and technical positions until he has become the "GURU" of the Furnace Department. He doesn't like me to tell people he is a "Furnace Engineer" because most people think of furnaces like, the furnace in your home. The furnaces that Curt oversees are HUGE, with names like "Titan, Goliath, Zeus" you get the picture. They are industrial furnaces that are used in the fine art of "brazing" (the joining of two dissimilar metals) - which is Curt's specialty. Varian has turned out to be a pretty great place for Curt to have called home, and I'm proud of him. They have a "Service Award Banquet" for every 5 years of service and this year Curt was 1 of 8 being honored for 30 years.
Here is a poster of the 8 being recognized - Curt is the bottom left.
I tried to get a closeup picture - this is how Curt looked on his first day of employment 30+ years ago - and his current picture.
The congratulatory handshakes from Management
Whooo, he's on the BIG screen!
Well, guess who else was at this special dinner - Ben, Amy & Jonah.

Ben was being honored for 5 years of service at Varian! Congratulations Ben - hang in there, another 25 years and it will be you up there being honored on the BIG screen!

Thank you for working so hard - and long - Curt, I love you!

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