Saturday, October 23, 2010

Breakfast with the Witches

We got to have breakfast with the witches before Halloween - and it was lots of fun. They weren't scary at all, in fact, they were quite fun and put on a yummy spread!
As you can tell, Annie DID NOT like the attention from any of them, however, they were all full of life and laughter anyway. These witches had talent and put on a nice program to entertain us, complete with a rat choir and a rousing, active take on "Dem Bones"
Afterward, we did the usual, walked around and browsed shops (with the million other people). Annie asked if she could take some pictures with my camera and I let her. While looking through my pictures, I laughed at this feather on the floor she was so fixated with
But hey, look at the rest of these -

Lots better than I think I could have done. Here is the little photographer herself -
Happy Halloween !!


Mom Moose said...

So much fun! Hoping we can get out there sometime this week!

We're the Hamilton's said...

Annie sure didn't look happy! Hopefully things got better for her. Kate is such a little cutie too. Thanks for posting pictures of Kate and Annie. Always enjoy following up on your blog.

Myles N Amanda said...

haha, so cute!! im glad you put pictures up of them, cause then id never get to see them. ha.