Monday, June 21, 2010

Home Sweet Home

As many of you know both our children have just moved into new (well, new to them) homes. We are thrilled for both of them. It will be just a little while before we get to Denver and visit Brandon and Jamie, but tonight we did a pre-renovation walk through at Tim & Marisa's. I'm giving a sneak peek of their cute home - but just a sneak peek! Here is one of the things Annie loves about her house, a rope tree swing (plus, what do you think of Annie & Cate's fort???). It's going to be fun!
Let the renovation's begin!


Karen said...

high fives and excitement! It looks very nice! we are so happy for both Brandon and Marisa and their families.

We're the Hamilton's said...

I also agree on the high fives! So fun and so excited for them! Let us know if there is anything we can help with! Excited for the girls to have a cool fort!

Mom Moose said...

Looks Great! Can't wait to see the rest! Congrats all!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see it for myself.