Thursday, February 18, 2010

Something to "CHEER" about

Last Saturday my grand daughter, Berlynn, and her best little buddy (even from Philly) Mia got to go to the "Y" Basketball game. They learned a dance and cheer they performed during half time and I'm just so tickled with ALL of it - I had to share:
"B -- Y -- U" Can't you just hear them cheering?
Are they not just SOOOO cute?
Keep it up girls, the "Y" will be waiting (and so will I)!
P.S. Thanks for the pictures Jamie!


Mom Moose said...

How cool is that!!! Especially in BLUE!! Way to go!

Rudd Senior's said...

Oh My Heck........ Berlyn could have not possibly done her Grandma Bohn more proud.......Not much better than that!!!!