Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fall Harvest

Three years ago, we planted a peach tree (we actually planted 2, but that's another story), and this is the first year we got any fruit from it. I know, it isn't the best looking tree - I'll learn about pruning in the years to come - but we have been really excited for our first crop of peaches. I didn't realize the peaches were even ripe until Brandon came over, took a few and reported that they were ready - I was just thrilled to sit and look at them.

Overall, they were on the small side, but they were juicy and flavorful.

I gave a couple of bags away and Curt & I ate quite a few - so with the few remaining, I made a peach crumble. Doesn't look to bad hu?
What, you can't see any peaches? They were there, under that yummy crumble topping
Can't wait for next year's crop! Peaches are the BEST!


Rudd Senior's said...

YYUUMMMMMMYYYYY!!!! Gosh, even I feel so proud over your little peach tree!! How neat is that!!!

Marrelli's said...

Wow that looks great! Tell me the recipe for your peach crumble! I have a bunch of peaches that I need to do something with and that is what I am looking for! Ryan and I have thought about planting a peach tree and maybe you have inspired me!! Way to go :)

Mom Moose said...

Way to go, Marcia!! Looks so good!

We're the Hamilton's said...

Wow, That all does look so yummy! I wan't a peach tree now. Loves

Tiff Rudd said...

Oh, I miss the house I grew up in and yummy fall peaches! They looks yummy and so does your crumble! Send some our way! :)

Karen said...

I want my own peach tree!