Friday, April 24, 2009

Annie's a winner -

Today, Annie was honored at the Murray City Park for her beautiful rendition of "Trees are Life". Her picture was choosen to represent her pre-school class and we are pretty proud of her.
Here is her creative picture - we think it looks a lot like a "weeping willow" tree

They even had a picnic of hot dogs, chips, apple, cookie & drink - for all of the contest winners

And then, we did what all kids do - we played and played at the park nearby

Contragulations Annie - we hope this is just the beginning of your art successes and you will continue to follow in your mother's footsteps .


Moosman Fam said...

Way to go Annie! Beautiful picture! Looks like a fun day! I can't believe how big Cate is getting! So cute!

Karen said...

I love her picture and am so happy for her. It probably made her feel so important! Cate is growing so fast.

Ambler Fam said...

Thats awesome! Like mother like daughter!!

Susan Brady said...

Congratulations Annie! Way to go girl. The picture is a real treat, you are very talented, and I can tell you grandma is very proud.

linds said...

i love it...just like her momma!

Myles N Amanda said...

HOLY COW! she is so big! seriously how time flys . they are so cute!

We're the Hamilton's said...

What a fun Celebration! Annies Picture is really a great piece of art. It even would look great in a frame! Loves

Rudd Senior's said...

Way to go Annie!!!!! We LOVE your picture, it really is a winner!!!!