Sunday, February 1, 2009

I am totally responsible

I just have to confess, I am totally responsible for the Steelers win over the Cardinals. You can either thank me or curse me -

Here's what happened. I wanted the Cardinals. I was so discouraged at the way they were playing, I turned the channel to watch something else - America's Funniest Home Video's maybe. Well, after a while I turned it back to see if Rush Limbaugh's prediction of the score would be somewhere near reality when....much to my surprise and amazement - the Cardinals had overtaken the lead, and there was only 1 minute left. I was ELATED!!! Then, I feel totally responsible for what happened next and apologize to all the Cardinal fans. I watched the final minute - only to watch the Steelers throw that stinking touchdown and ultimately win the game. UUGGGHHRRR - this is definately NOT my year in sports!


Karen said...

WAY to GO MaRcIa!!!!!!!!! Don't you know that the last 10 min of the game are the MOST crutial of ALL. It seems like that is when the best happens. I really thought the Cardinals had it but then with that last min, my steelers came through. I love both teams so it didn't matter who won for me. But way to go anyway.

Karen said...

ps who listens to Rush Limbaugh anyway? That is the problem.

Morgan said...

What are you talking about it's not your year in sports. The Utes rocked your face off and the Jazz are just starting to come around!
