Sunday, November 16, 2008

Christmas Expo

Saturday - Marisa, Annie Cate & I went to the Christmas Expo. Oh, there were lots and lots of exhibits (and people too) - but very little that had anything to do with Christmas. This picture didn't turn out so well below, but I wanted you to see Annie's cute little Ariel hair clip.

You can see just how much Annie liked it, it didn't take long before she was OUT! She created quite a stir as almost everyone commented on her cute little pose while dead asleep.
Along with the booths of soaps, massage chairs, ring cleaning and *Twilight* T-shirts, they did have a big selection of the following:
Candy - but not the Christmas variety.

Boy are hair bows really, really in right now. Makes me kind of sad I don't have enough hair to sport them, and my head is so small compared to the rest of me, I am not comfortable wearing beanies or hats. If you didn't catch Tiff M's hair ware party, there were booths down every row for you to get your fill !

We really liked these bags and each got one. I am going to use mine as my new scripture tote. The young gal helping to sell these bags said that's what she uses hers for too. As a side note, she asked me what size of scriptures I had and I told her BIG ones "Oh, you mean the High Priest size?" So - all of you HP's out there, beware you are also known for things other than falling asleep in church and lame parties!

Even though we weren't crazy about the show (we did enjoy our treats on the way home though), we had a fun time together. Annie did NOT want to "see" Santa by the way, but said she would "take a peek" at him instead.

1 comment:

Rudd Senior's said...

WOW, Can we go next time? Looks like fun!!! Annie is a doll!!! SO is her mom and grandma!!