Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Some Day My Prince Will Come...

While our kids were enjoying a Jazz Basketball game after Christmas - we did the babysitting. So what do little Princesses do while waiting for "Prince Charming" to come? They primp and practice putting on their make-up, they fuss, they train in all sorts of Princess activities - like the following:

P.S. Anybody else want us to watch your kids???????

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Day

Brandon & Jamie shared Christmas morning with us this year and we really enjoyed watching the kids open their gifts from Santa. It took Berlynn a little while to discover her new "jeep", she was so thrilled with all of her new Princess accessories, but when she did realize what it was and that it was for her (and Ez), she was WAY excited - look out people, she's on the MOVE!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Pre Christmas Activities

I'm really behind the times in posting these pictures, but have enjoyed everyone else's Holiday memories so I'm posting these. Some of the activities we really enjoyed were (in NO particular order):

1. ZOO LIGHTS (thanks Brooke & Wendy for the recommendation - and I'm making it to the rest of you too - a FOR SURE item on my holiday to-do list next year)
2. Annie's first Christmas program where she got to be a "jingle-girl"
3. Bohn Family Christmas Dinner and Christmas Party
4. Taking the girls to see "Tale of Desperoux" (although scary at times, they really liked it), and BOLT (as cute as can be)
5. Annual F&V Moosman Christmas Eve Party complete with JINGO!
6. LOTS of time with our kids and grandkiddies

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I'll Be Home For Christmas

THEY'RE HERE!Princess Berlynn & little buddy are here for the Holidays (and so are their parents - well Jamie at least, Brandon to follow later in the week)

Welcome Home Bohn Jr's!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Santa Clause is coming to town

Today was Varian's annual Family Christmas party (for the kids). Since our "kids" think they are too old to sit on Santa's lap - we took our Grandkiddies instead.

Annie didn't quite know what to make of this guy - I don't quite know what to make of him either, but he handed out a little goodie bag that she did like.

Here I am with both both of my girls.

Annie did NOT want to sit on Santa's lap, she was just happy to "peek" at him, but didn't seem to mind it too much when we put her on his lap anyway - she did great. This year, Cate didn't mind sitting on Santa's lap, we'll see how she does next year.

Annie was excited to open the gift that Santa gave her -

She was very excited to see it was Tinker Bell.

When you put her in this stand and push the button - her wings flutter!

Here is Papa with Annie & Cate, and Cate's present - her first blocks.

In that goodie bag the big yellow M&M looking guy gave Annie, there was a paper gingerbread house with lots of cute stickers to decorate your own house. Annie did a great job of making the most wonderful gingerbread house - Thank's Papa, for taking the girls to your work for the party!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

My Dad

Here I am with my dad, Fred. Of course you all know that because only my family reads my blog. Today is his 78th birthday and I just wanted to say "Happy Birthday Dad!" and wish you tons of love not only this day, but every day. Dad's are supposed to be kings in their daughter's world and my dad is no less mine. From the time I was even old enough to remember, my Dad has always been there leading, teaching and showing by his grand example. He loves and serves his family, his wife, his neighbors and his faith. Thank you for 78 of the best years ever - I love you Dad!

Here are a few pictures of our birthday get together for those who couldn't celebrate with us.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

A first for us - and we're in our 50's

Well, Curt and I had a first in our whole married life yesterday. We participated in the "Black Friday" shopping activies together. Now, most of our married life - and certainly while the kiddies were young - I always had to work the day after Thanksgiving and so it was Curt who braved the mad women and the crowds to ensure that Santa would bring our young ones that coveted "He-Man" or "Cabbage Patch" on Christmas morning. Back then it wasn't quite as much about the "deals" as much as it was just "getting the goods". We have been wanting to get a new HD TV for the basement and have been watching the pricing for a while - then low and behold, we found the deal of the century - at the BX (Base Echange at Hill Air Force Base for the non-military) on Friday morning. They were opening their doors at "4:00 A.M." and Curt wanted to go.

So - up we go at 3:00 A.M. to ensure we are successful, by the time we got there, I think there were probably 300 - 400 people standing outside - all wanting our TV (was my fear). But, we were successful in nabbing the one we wanted and were all finished looking around by about 4:45 A.M. when a food stand opened up and they were selling Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches. So in memory of our kids in Philly, we sat down to eat Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches, fries and diet cokes all before 5:00 A.M. (Chubby's it wasn't guys, but it filled the spot). Now that is certainly a first for us!

Friday, November 28, 2008

We are thankful for -

Once again we gathered around the table set for us at the Grand America - for feasting, and thankfulness in our hearts for crab legs and shrimp on this Thanksgiving Day!

We missed our family in Philadelphia and hope they will join us next year!

Even Annie got in on the good stuff - here she is ready to gobble up her shrimp (yes, she did eat her crab AND mini corn dogs too!)

What Curt - NO turkey on Thanksgiving Day?

Here is Annie and Papa in front of the kids buffet - you already saw the mini corn dogs, but oh - there was so much more, mac & cheese, chicken tenders, bacon, sausage, waffles, everything a young child could want - even the open bins of "candy"

Cate was all smiles today too - even though this year, all she got was hugs and kisses!

Now, on to the Thanksgiving Day crafts - here we are making our little turkeys.

Annie putting on their eyes and beaks

Ta-dah! here are our little Tom Turkeys, don't they look cute? We had a wonderful day together and hope you all did too!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Yada, Yada, Yada

Who want's to play????

Monday, November 17, 2008

Our Little Catie Pie

This post is for those of you who don't get to see our little Cate - she's now 3-1/2 Months old and growing like a little lady should. This is what we have been treated to lately, TONS of smiles!
Talking to her mommy and telling her all about what's on her little mind!

Snuggling on Papa's shoulder. A good place for a little head to be.

Here is the Olson family

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Christmas Expo

Saturday - Marisa, Annie Cate & I went to the Christmas Expo. Oh, there were lots and lots of exhibits (and people too) - but very little that had anything to do with Christmas. This picture didn't turn out so well below, but I wanted you to see Annie's cute little Ariel hair clip.

You can see just how much Annie liked it, it didn't take long before she was OUT! She created quite a stir as almost everyone commented on her cute little pose while dead asleep.
Along with the booths of soaps, massage chairs, ring cleaning and *Twilight* T-shirts, they did have a big selection of the following:
Candy - but not the Christmas variety.

Boy are hair bows really, really in right now. Makes me kind of sad I don't have enough hair to sport them, and my head is so small compared to the rest of me, I am not comfortable wearing beanies or hats. If you didn't catch Tiff M's hair ware party, there were booths down every row for you to get your fill !

We really liked these bags and each got one. I am going to use mine as my new scripture tote. The young gal helping to sell these bags said that's what she uses hers for too. As a side note, she asked me what size of scriptures I had and I told her BIG ones "Oh, you mean the High Priest size?" So - all of you HP's out there, beware you are also known for things other than falling asleep in church and lame parties!

Even though we weren't crazy about the show (we did enjoy our treats on the way home though), we had a fun time together. Annie did NOT want to "see" Santa by the way, but said she would "take a peek" at him instead.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Heaven for my *Heinie*

Ok - so this is totally off the wall, BUT, this is my new chair at work and I'm SO in love with it. It is THE most comfortable thing I've ever sat in, and when you sit all day long, you need to be comfortable - to be productive you know! Oh, the simple pleasures of my life! If any of you want to come and try it out - please call me to schedule a "sit".

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween weekend in Philly

THANKS for such a GREAT weekend Brandon, Jamie, Berlynn & Ezra

The Princess and the Cowboy

The Barbie Island Princess and the cowboy ready to go trick-or-treating

Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween with Annie & Cate

Making a scary Halloween scene

Annie holding her sister Cate