Halloween started off really different this year. This is Mike, he works for us and he came to work dressed like this for Halloween!
Then, I finally got to meet little (well BIG, really) Josh Cotti out visiting from Washington DC - here is the "little" guy with his proud Grandma Ann, and beautiful Aunts Jenny & Naomi. Good to meet you JOSH!

Then it was off to the "Trunk or Treat" with Tinkerbell Berlynn and Beautiful Bride Annie -

The gentle lion Ez -
Here's a picture of my little lovies! SOOOOO cute - don't you agree?

Can I just say, again, how much I love the Bohn Jr's being here, in Utah? They are so close that I can run out to school to watch Berlynn perform in her fabulous Halloween Program! Mrs. Menlove (Berlynn's K-teacher) worked SO hard with all the kids and I was so PROUD of Berlynn, she knew all the words and actions to all of the songs! It was a great halloween program!

Here's a picture of my little lovies! SOOOOO cute - don't you agree?

Can I just say, again, how much I love the Bohn Jr's being here, in Utah? They are so close that I can run out to school to watch Berlynn perform in her fabulous Halloween Program! Mrs. Menlove (Berlynn's K-teacher) worked SO hard with all the kids and I was so PROUD of Berlynn, she knew all the words and actions to all of the songs! It was a great halloween program!